Monday, May 25, 2009

A Beast Named Change

Change is almost always an attention-getter. We gravitate to established routines. The world that we live in is in the process of great change. Change means uncertainty and uncertainty many times causes anxiety. But God requires His people to live by faith. And faith is defined as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen.

As we begin to pay close attention to world events and climatic conditions, we can discern that something is amiss. Wars and rumors of wars have become common nightly news items. Changed weather patterns and the increase of violent storms causes us to realize that there is very little that man is really in control of. Already this year, we have seen record breaking snowstorms in various regions of the country. The war that this country is involved in seems to have no end in sight. Our children are becoming discontent with the long established status quo. What was in past times (considered the “norm”) no longer seems to exist. So how do we keep our stability from any further demise during these uncertain times? What will keep us rooted and grounded when the familiarity of our lives becomes very unfamiliar? When the familiar of our daily stability seems to be diminishing, how will we persevere? What will keep us centered? What will keep us personally centered? What will cause us to remain stable in an unstable world? ….Our “faith”.

If you were to take an overview of our current society, you will find a dichotomous condition. Our older generation is used to stability and slow change. Our younger generation is used to rapid change and frequent fluctuation. What the younger generation is used to can cause the older generation great distress. We are living in unprecedented times. So what will even bridge this ever-widening gap, if you will, of the fabric of our society? Faith is that precious gift of God that causes us to remain stable even in unstable conditions. Walking by faith is being aware that it is God that is in control. We understand that there is an expected end. We then comprehend this world that we live in is really not out of control, but is performing with a divine purpose.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence….

Friday, May 22, 2009

One Man's Observation

I am an observer by nature and one by profession. There is a question that seems to keep reverberating in my mind. That question is, “Just How Angry Are We?” It is easy to see the increase of violence in our society. All one has to do is to perceive any of our media resources and find plenty of examples. If I were to broach that subject it would only be a case of stating the obvious. But what I would like to address is the not so obvious.

For a nation of people that claim to be any where from 35% to 49% faith-based, it certainly does not prove itself by our actions. Let me explain, there are two primary environments that I’ll address. One is the freeway, the other the grocery store. While they may seem unrelated, there are repetitive actions in both arenas. The term our officials call it for the way we drive is that one is being an “aggressive driver.” There are those that tend to take an adverse move, such as a car switching lanes continuously, or a car cutting in front of them without signaling, personally and tend to tailgate in retaliation. But is not aggressiveness a form of anger?

Picture this. You’re standing in the aisle of a grocery store. You’re facing the shelf because you are about to make a purchase. Suddenly someone just squeezes between you and the shelf. You even have to step backward to make room for them to pass. You look behind you and there was no obvious obstruction that should have caused them to do what they did. Most times, we just think, “how rude.” I believe that it is more than lack of common courtesy, that’s “aggression”.

Could it be that many really do not know what their purpose in life is? To the extent that they are angry and don’t even understand why. Internal anger (aggression) will always find ways of expression. This not knowing the source of the anger can only exacerbate the emotion.

The Word of God states that love never fails. And since God is love, it would seem that love is the key to overcoming anger. The Word of God states, that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Maybe its time to get to know ourselves that we might be changed.

Just one man’s observation.